At Her Song, we firmly believe that survivors of trafficking are resilient individuals on a journey to healing and freedom. Because of this belief, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of survivor care services, including:
Trauma-responsive Victim Outreach
Holistic Care Coordination
Long-term Residential Survivor Care
We’re here to stand alongside survivors, creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can rebuild their lives and discover their worth.
Our unwavering dedication is fueled by a profound purpose. We believe in walking alongside the treasures whom God has entrusted to our care—sheroes in the making. It’s a high and noble privilege to join hands with the divine, offering our support and guidance as God does the same for us.
Why do we embark on this journey?
Because each survivor is worth it, and worthy of the utmost care and compassion. They are image bearers, created in the divine image of God. As we witness their stories become stories of hope, we remember Psalm 30:11-12—a transformation from mourning to joyful dancing and a heart that sings out in praise with a new song. Their courage and resilience inspire us to persist in our mission as we journey towards a brighter, hope-filled future together.

Her Song exists to interrupt the cycle of human trafficking by empowering survivors with holistic support to champion their journey toward freedom.

We envision a world free from exploitation where survivors can flourish and thrive.

Her Song is a group of Christian people who are called, equipped, and sent according to the Gospel. We are committed to providing survivors with an excellent culture of care through Victim Outreach, Care Coordination and Long-term Residential Survivor Care that ultimately guides them to achieve sustainable freedom.


Victim Outreach
We want to go beyond existing as an available resource for women who are survivors of human trafficking and be the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting each survivor where she is during her darkest hour of need.
There are many barriers survivors face that keep them from seeking help on their own. Between threats of physical violence, emotional abuse and fear of law enforcement and prosecution, survivors are often afraid to reach out and access resources that are readily available for them. They remain unidentified and unseen. Because of this, outreach operations are a crucial piece of survivor care and advocacy. For these reasons, we focus our Victim Outreach efforts on reaching into the jails and prisons as well as reaching survivors within our community to help meet survivors right where they are.

Care Coordination
Her Song's Care Coordination is a crucial service that connects survivors to appropriate resources. Through our Hope Line, we swiftly respond to survivor calls and referrals nationwide. Our Care Coordination services offer tailored support, addressing individual needs for healing and empowerment. This approach guides survivors toward resilience, hope and a brighter future.

Long-term Residential Survivor Care
Our residential program is structured into three phases, guided by an evidence-based theory of change that facilitates the journey from survival-based existence to purposeful, self-sufficient living. Each phase is carefully designed to promote healing and empowerment in a trauma-informed environment.

The HerSong story
Her Song began as a lament in the hearts of two women as they asked themselves the question, “When a survivor of human trafficking is rescued, where does she go?” Founders Rachel White and Kelly Posze were moved to find answers to this question, and what they found was surprising. At the time, there were no long-term residential programs available in northeast Florida for survivors of human trafficking. In fact, as they furthered their research, they found that long-term residential care for survivors was limited across the United States. Because women were being identified or rescued without anywhere to turn for long-term support, they were falling back into a cycle of trafficking and oppression. Her Song was born out of a desire to end this cycle and provide a safe place for women who have been trafficked to rest, heal and be given the opportunities they need to live a flourishing and sustainable life in freedom. As a result, Her Song was founded in 2013, beginning its journey to provide survivors with excellent, survivor-centered care.
Over the course of the next few years, we opened our first residential safe house in Northeast, Florida, and served over 2,000 trafficking survivors both through case management and residential support. In 2020, we merged with the Tim Tebow Foundation and began our journey toward national expansion, enabling us to provide care for more survivors than ever before!

Survivor at Her Song
"I am free to have my own voice, free to smile, free to sleep and rest, free to dream, feel, decide . . . free to love."

You can help empower one more survivor of human trafficking in the United States to find the hope, healing, and freedom she deserves.
Together, we’re making an impact. With your financial support, we can continue to help her move from a survival-based existence to self-sufficiency.
Help survivors sing a new song of hope.
Tune into transformation, and hear more about how her story is becoming a hope story.
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Empowering dreams. Inspiring futures.
Founded in 2013, Her Song exists to empower survivors and champion their journey towards restoration, healing and freedom–because every survivor deserves to flourish and thrive. We are committed to providing survivors with an excellent culture of care through Victim Outreach, Care Coordination and Long-term Residential Survivor Care to help guide survivors to achieve sustainable freedom.
Our desire is to cultivate a called and committed team, passionate about serving survivors of human trafficking across the United States, so that together we can empower freedom, one life at a time.
Explore our open roles and career opportunities at Her Song.