Her Song’s Care Coordination is a crucial service that connects survivors to appropriate resources. Through our Hope Line, we swiftly respond to survivor calls and referrals nationwide. Our Care Coordination services offer tailored support, addressing individual needs for healing and empowerment. This approach guides survivors toward resilience, hope, and a brighter future.

Are you or is someone you know in need of Her Song’s care coordination?
Please call our hope line number:
1-844-HER-HOPE (1-844-437-4673)
The Survivor Care Coordinator will be happy to answer your call during weekday business hours (Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message and expect a call back by the next business day.
When you call the hope line phone number, the Survivor Care Coordinator will complete an over-the-phone screening and needs assessment with you. All information provided will be handled with discretion and confidentiality.
Please be aware that we ARE NOT AN EMERGENCY SHELTER. If you need emergency housing, call "211" or visit the United Way website at www.unitedway.org.